Even if you have a lawyer in your Bankruptcy case, you may be curious about what pleadings and documents are actually filed in your case. Your lawyer will most likely send you copies of just about everything filed in the case, whether it is by your lawyer or another party in the case, and you should rely primarily on your lawyer for updates. There are two other ways to get a look at documents. One, you can go to the office of the Clerk of Court for your Bankruptcy Court and either physically look at a paper file or review the docket on computer terminals in the office. Second, and far more convenient, is you can sign up for online access to the nationwide PACER system. “PACER” stands for “Public Access to Court Electronic Records.” You can register for the service by clicking here, and documents are available at a relatively reasonable charge of 10 cents per page. When you log in, you simply go to the appropriate Court (such as the Northern District of Georgia) and search for your case number or name. When you download documents (in .pdf format) make sure you save them on your computer, and also save or print the main page (or docket) that shows all documents filed in the case. If you have any questions about what has been filed, your lawyer will no doubt be happy to answer them.