By Scott Riddle Posted in Bankruptcy Basics,Chapter 7After the filing of a Chapter 7 case, creditors generally have the opportunity to file a claim for money they believe is owed to them. This is generally done through an official “Proof of Claim” form. In “no asset” cases, there is generally no claim form mailed out to creditors since there will be no… Continue Reading
By Scott Riddle Posted in Chapter 13,Chapter 7,Creditor LawWhen completing Bankruptcy Schedules, we are asked to identify three categories of creditors: 1) Secured Creditors (Schedule D), 2) Unsecured Creditors (Schedule F) and 3) Priority Creditors (Schedule E). When creditors file a Proof of Claim, they have to state which category into which their claim falls. Here is a brief description of each of… Continue Reading
By Scott Riddle Posted in Bankruptcy Basics,Chapter 13,Chapter 7,Creditor LawIf you are a party in a personal Bankruptcy case, you have probably come across references to a “Proof of Claim” form (sometimes simply referred to as a “claim”). Officially, it is known as Form B10, and you can view and complete the form on the U.S. Courts website. This form, completed by the creditor,… Continue Reading