By Scott Riddle Posted in Bankruptcy Basics,Chapter 13,Chapter 7,Debt Collection & ForeclosureMany Bankruptcy cases in Georgia, and other states, are filed to stop a foreclosure of the family home. They are not filed only because of the foreclosure, but the realization that the family home is about to be lost is usually the final straw after a period of financial problems. It is certainly understandable that… Continue Reading
By Scott Riddle Posted in Bankruptcy Basics,Chapter 13,Chapter 7,Debt Collection & Foreclosure“Emergency” Bankruptcy cases or petitions, and “skeletal” petitions, are terms that are used fairly often in the Bankruptcy world and you may come across the terms in various websites (such as this one). The terms are related, but have different meanings. An “emergency” Bankruptcy case is, as the name implies, a Bankruptcy case that has… Continue Reading