By Scott Riddle Posted in Bankruptcy BasicsYes. I could probably end with that simple, straightforward answer but, really, the answer is always the same. One of the very common questions that comes up fairly regularly on online forums is some form of this question. Often it seems like the person is concerned they forgot something, or may be in trouble in… Continue Reading
By Scott Riddle Posted in Bankruptcy Basics,Chapter 13,Chapter 7Maybe you have seen the words “debt relief agency” on a lawyer’s website or other marketing materials. The phrase “debt relief” has been used for many years as a substitute for the word “bankruptcy,” most likely because it sounds a little less ominous. Many years ago, a lawyer in the Atlanta area, and one of… Continue Reading
By Scott Riddle Posted in Bankruptcy Basics,Chapter 11,Chapter 13,Chapter 7Choosing a Bankruptcy lawyer is probably the most important decision a person can make during the process, other than the decision to file Bankruptcy. If you are considering filing, or believe it may be necessary in the near future, it is important that you speak with a lawyer or two well in advance of the… Continue Reading
By Scott Riddle Posted in Bankruptcy Basics,Chapter 13,Chapter 7As we have written in this Blog, finding a good Bankruptcy lawyer is the first and most important step of filing a Bankruptcy case or exploring whether filing for Bankruptcy is necessary. The age of the internet and social media has allowed lawyers and other professionals to create websites, Blogs (such as this one), and… Continue Reading
By Scott Riddle Posted in Bankruptcy BasicsThe word “Bankruptcy” has a few definitions in the dictionary. In its most basic form, it means not having enough money to pay one’s debts and living expenses. The word has its origins in the Latin term banca rotta, which means “broken bench” (signifying the insolvency of a moneylender). This Blog focuses on the legal… Continue Reading